The 2013 SEPR Prize Horn
I donated this horn as a prize at the 2013 Southeastern Primitive Rendezvous.
- On the outside curve I had a longhunter on the right, a Cherokee on the left and in between a representation of the cabin which greeted folks arriving at the site.
- He’s reloading
- He doesn’t look happy to see the longhunter.
- I like to put very fine detail into my images. This is an example of one that’s fairly obvious: a cross on the bag hanging at the longhunter’s waist. There are lots of others on this particular piece
- Close-up of the engrailing and a faceted spout,
- a ribbon with cascading ivy awaits the winner’s name
- Turned cherry butt plug and an engraved border at the base
- Uhma Ruth Pye won the horn and she was so happy when I gave it back to her with her name engraved on the inside curve.